An estimated 50 to 100 million people around the world switched off their lights for Earth Hour in 2008, and global landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, Rome’s Colosseum, the Coke billboard in Times Square and Jumeirah Hotel in Dubai darkened for one hour.
In 2009, Earth Hour aims to reach 1 billion people around the world in more than 1000 cities involving business, government and the community in the world’s largest global action on climate change on 28 March 2009.
In 2009, millions of people from all walks of life will join together for Earth Hour and show the world that it’s possible to take action on global warming.
Come on Indonesia, join us for Earth Hour 2009, turn off your lights at 8.30pm Saturday 28 March and sign-up here at
Jakarta"s Time (GMT+7.00)
Visitor Counter
Friday, 6 March 2009
Indonesian Cities Embrace Earth Hour
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Stop Global Warming Virtual March YES VIRGINIA, THERE'S NO CLEAN COAL The Reality Coalition, a project of the Alliance for Climate Protection, with support from The League of Conservation Voters, the National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Sierra Club, is sending out the message that "In Reality, there's no such thing as clean coal," despite the multi-million dollar ad campaign paid for by the coal industry saying differently. Not one American home today is powered by a coal-burning plant that captures and stores its carbon pollution. And coal plants are responsible for a full third of America's carbon dioxide pollution -- the chief cause of global warming. The coal industry must invest in the technologies that can stop carbon pollution from entering the atmosphere. Click Here to see the great ad the Reality Coalition is launching. Help us challenge the coal industry to come clean -- in its advertising and in its operations. TIP OF THE SEASON: CUT OUT THE GIFT WRAP Newspaper, fabric scraps, scarves, reusable boxes, tins and jars are great wrapping ideas. If you do buy wrapping paper, always choose recycled and save wrap and bows for re-use next year. GREEN SHOPPING IDEAS Time Planet Earth: An Illustrated History: This beautifully illustrated volume, featuring the work of award-winning photographers, presents a portrait of our wondrous planet -- and of all the beings that call it home -- that is revelatory, awe-inspiring and essential. Buy Now. "I'm Tired of Global Warming" Bracelet: The bracelet is made from recycled tires with a recycled metal bead, and proceeds from the sale benefit our cause. Buy Now. Help a friend or family member cut out their junk mail, and have a tree planted in their name. Click here to sign up. The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming: A book for kids of all ages with facts about global warming, loads of photos and illustrations, and suggestions for combating global warming in homes, schools, and communities. Buy Now. For other great DVD and book ideas, check out our Resources page. Donation Gifts: What better way to help the environment than to give gifts that don't require packaging? Try tickets to concerts or sporting events, or a museum membership. Even better, give a gift membership to an environmental organization. Your donation helps support groups that fight on your behalf for the good of our planet. A few suggestions: NRDC; The Sierra Club; and the National Wildlife Federation. For more green gift ideas, visit our partner Treehugger's Gift Guide Happy Holidays and Keep Marching! |